Customer Complaint Procedure

We’re ready to answer all your complaints.

  • 01.Kindly send an email to [email protected]
  • 02.You can visit our head office or any of our BPN outlets within Nigeria
  • 03.Feel free to write to use directly through our head office or any of our outlets nationwide.
  • 04.You can make your complaint orally by contacting us via our customer care line +234 810 216 4586
  • 05.We are open to your complaints via our social media platforms or in writing.
  • 06.Upon receiving your complaint, it will be registered and acknowledged within 48 – 72 hours.
  • 07.All complaints logged will be treated promptly and fairly with a view to a satisfactory resolution.
  • 08.Where a complaint requires investigation or consultation, such will be done promptly and in a fair manner, having taken into consideration all circumstances.
  • 09.We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint, proposed actions and the expected time frame for resolution i.e., any possible reasons for delays, request for additional information for resolution purposes, when to receive further update(s) and feedback.

We speak poetry with colors & paints; Experience your world in colors.

Schedule a meeting with our representative within 24 hours on business days.
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